Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Our original idea for our music video was to utilise small handheld cameras, such as GoPros, in order to film our music video in first person, similarly to the music video for The Prodigy's 'Smack my B*tch Up', and FIDLARS 'Wake Bake Skate'.

We wanted our video to include regular day to day activities of a teenager, in order to mirror the bands age and sense of youthfulness. This would have included first person shots of activities such as bike rides, skating, football, gigs, parties, clubbing, a love interest, and general teenage mucking about. However after having pitched our original idea to the rest of the class and our teachers, we received a mixed array of audience feedback.

  • 'It may be a bit boring just to watch a mixture of activities for a whole song without any performance shots'
  • 'The video wouldn't really convey the sense of coolness and attitude of the indie genre if it just teenagers mucking about'
  • ' You may find that the video just looks like it is a compilation of footage from a standard weekend, rather than a music video'
  • 'I don't think that the video is going to look very professional if it is just shots of teenage activities'

After having received this feedback, and contemplated our original music video idea, we took it on board and completely agreed with the feedback. We felt that it would be relatively boring to watch, with a complete lack of performance shots, and also would not conform to the conventions of the indie-rock genre, which usually emphasise the band and create an image for them, by the use of performance shots in a music video. It would also not highlight the band's passion and love for music. 

To resolve this, we decided to scrap the idea completely, and come up with a new one. By contrast, we have decided we are going to create a music video that is composed entirely of band performance shots, which emphasises the band, their image, their love for music, and the sense of closeness between the band and each other, but also the audience, due to the down to earth and relatable nature people expect from bands of the indie-rock genre.

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